Till now there are number of products of Govind, which indeed are the set of intangible assets of Semiconsoul and SPIDEX.
They have been designed, invented, created and contributed to the contemporaneous field of knowledge which is owned and legally protected by an Govind and his company. Following are the brainchildren of Govind’s handiwork;
A Secured and a cloud Platform for Industrial Data Acquisition, that will be in continuous transaction with SPIGWAY.
Acronym: Special Purpose Industrial Gateway.It is a piece of physical electronics device runs with software component called C3F keep communicating to SPIDAQ.
Acronym: “Common Communication and Control Framework”. It is a combination of multiple software components developed in C, C++ and python.
Acronym: “BLE Proximity and Sensory Interface Module”, a Patented Protocol. It is a piece of physical electronics device runs on tiny OS and a SenseAir.
SenseFS is a piece of software component, a technique to access sensor data. It keeps transacting with SPIGWAY and C3F software framework components.
SenseAir is a technique to access sensor data. (A software component developed in C, C++ and keep transacting with SPIGWAY and part of C3F software framework).
Acronym: “Multi-chain Data Acquisition & Management System”. It is a software component developed in C, C++ part of C3F and keep transacting with SPIGWAY and part of C3F software framework.
Acronym: “Data Delivery Management System”. It is a software component developed in C, C++ and keep transacting with SPIGWAY and distributed across C3F software framework and SPIDAQ cloud platform.
DigData Carpet and (or) Digital Data Carpet is a concept of laying required components to acquire data and converge.
It is a secure platform for IIoT Data Exchange. Registered as a company which is involved in Industrial & Enterprise IoT solution provider. Is also a cloud platform solution that will be in continuous transaction with SPIGWAY.
Acronym: “Emergency Traffic Management System.” It is a smart traffic management and control system to assist emergency vehicles like Ambulance, Fire Engine and VIP vehicles.
Acronym: “Spy on Road.” It is a product designed to monitor traffic violations and ensure road safety. It also reports the traffic violations done by the road users 24/7 to the local Traffic Control Room.